A free dockerized instance of common DCP and IMF open source tools. Contains compiled binaries from CineCert’s asdcplib, openjpeg and more. Freely mount your own storage and either EXEC or SSH into your scalable container.
The DCP & IMF OSS Binaries image runs a rocky linux 9 OS holding the following binaries from ASDCP, OpenJpeg and Trench.
- as-02-info
- as-02-unwrap
- as-02-wrap
- asdcp-wrap
- asdcp-unwrap
- asdcp-util
- asdcp-info
- asdcp-test
- blackwave
- j2c-test
- klvsplit
- klvwalk
- kmfilegen
- kmuuidgen
- opj_compress
- opj_decompress
- opj_dump
- phdr-wrap
- phdr-unwrap
- pinkwave
- trd-cplread
- trd-digest
- trd-kdm-decrypt
- wavesplit
Installation & Usage
Pull the image from docker hub
$ docker pull trenchdigital/dcp-imf-oss-binaries:1.0
The following runs the docker image with port 22 open for SSH connection
$ docker run -it -d -p 22:22 -v host-filepath:container-mount-path --name dcp-imf-oss-binaires trenchdigital/dcp-imf-oss-binaries:1.0
Note: be sure to substitute flag -v value
with your own paths. This could be your asset registry or equivalent DCP or IMF store.
To access the container via a BASH terminal running as user oss
from the host perform the following.
$ docker exec -it --user oss dcp-imf-oss-binaires /bin/bash
Common asdcp expressions can be found here
For OpenJpeg please see the following post
trd-randgen will generate random numbers of a given byte length.
When the command is invoked, the program will generate a UUID of varying Type
as per IETF RFC 4122; https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt.
trd-randgen [flags]
trd-randgen [command]
Available Commands:
c4 Generate a C4ID
help Help about any command
uuid Generate an RFC4122 compliant UUID
--b64 Generate a base64 string based on --size value
-h, --help help for trd-randgen
--size int Number of random bytes generated (default 16)
-v, --version version for trd-randgen
Use "trd-randgen [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ trd-randgen uuid --c 10 --t4 # will return 10 T4 uuids
$ trd-randgen uuid --t3 <path-to-file> # will return a T3 uuid
$ trd-randgen c4 <path-to-file> # will return a C4ID https://cccc.io
$ trd-randgen --size 16 # will return 16 bytes of data
trd-digest will calculate and return the SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512
or MD5 message digest of a given file or group of files. Each
returned digest is printed to standard outpcb trd-digest has an
optional flag which implements base64 encoding as specified
by RFC 4648. It is intended to be used in the creation and assessment
of DCinema and IMF assets.
trd-digest [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
sha1 Calculate a SHA1 digest
sha256 Calculate a SHA256 digest
sha512 Calculate a SHA512 digest
-b, --b64 return base64 encoded digest
-h, --help help for trd-digest
-v, --version version for trd-digest
Use "trd-digest [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ trd-digest sha1 --b64 <path-to-file>
trd-cplread, D-Cinema CPL Parser. Written by Jack Watts for the SMPTE DCP Virtual Course
Usage: $ trd-cplread [-p] [-j] <path-to-cpl-file>
$ trd-cplread -j <path-to-cpl-file> # returns a CPL file as a JSON object
trd-kdm-decrypt, Dcrypt a D-Cinema KDM with a given Private Key. Written by Jack Watts.
$ trd-kdm-decrypt [-j] -kdm <kdm-file.xml> -key <priv-key.pem>
Decrypt D-Cinema ciphertext payloads with a given KDM and target x.509 certificate's private key. Plaintext representation will be returned to stdout by default or as JSON if the relevant option is toggled.
-k, -kdm - The path to a ST 430-1 KDM XML file (*.xml).
-p, -priv-key, - The path to the target x.509 certificate's private key (*.pem).
-j, -json - Returns a JSON representation of the decrypted values to stdout.
-h, -help - Returns this 'help' dialogue.
Go implemenation (c) 2019 Jack Watts
# return decrypted cipher payloads as a slice of JSON ogjects
$ trd-kdm-decrypt -j -k <path-to-kdm-file> -p <path-to-private-key>